Thursday, March 21, 2013

Growing Old in Poetry

My friend Fleda Brown, former Delaware poet laureate, and I have just published an e-book, Growing Old in Poetry: Two Poets, Two Lives. This is a collection of essays in dialogue: Fleda has writen one, say, on clothes, and I have written my own; I have written one on sports, she a response; and so on. The topics are various and at times, it might appear, a bit arbitrary, but we two trust that our takes on various aspects of daily life all conspire to suggest, as the final essays have it, what is involved, humanly, aesthetically, and socially in "Becoming a Poet."

The link below will take you to the book, which can be "borrowed," cost-free, for the first three months.

We both hope you will find something to like in our effort; if you find half the pleasure we did in putting it together, that will be more than enough to satisfy us.

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